
An outstanding summary of the poem “Try Again” By W.E. Hickson

 An outstanding summary of the poem “Try Again”  By W.E. Hickson  Introduction of the poet: William Edward Hickson was a famous writer from the United Kingdom, who lived between January 7, 1803, and March 22, 1870. He stu­died in the Netherlands and Germany. He was the author of “Time and Faith”. He is credited with popularising the proverb, Try, Try, Try again. Hickson died at […]

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Stopping By The Woods On A Snowy Evening By Robert Frost (Summary)

 Summary of “Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening” By Rober Lee Frost Introduction of the poem: Robert Lee Frost was born on March 26, 1874, in San Francisco California USA. He is the winner of four Pulitzer Prizes. His famous works include The Road Not Taken, Mending Wall, Birches, Nothing Gold Can Stay, etc.

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Summary of the poem “Daffodils” By William Wordsworth

Summary of the poem “Daffodils” By William Wordsworth Introduction of the poet: William Wordsworth was born on April,7,1770 in Cockermouth, Cumberland, England. He is referred to as the Poet of Nature. Much of his poetry resonates with themes of nature. Some of his famous poems include Daffodils, To the Cuckoo, The Two April Mornings, The Solitary Reaper,

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Central Idea of the Poem Peace By Dr. Silvia Hartmann

   Central Idea of Peace By Dr Silvia Hartmann The poem makes us realise that everything has two aspects, positive and negative. We should face the negative aspect strongly and appreciate the positive aspect. The poetess desires to say that we should face tough circumstances with great courage. Suffering and trials make a man stronger

Central Idea of the Poem Peace By Dr. Silvia Hartmann Read More »